Sunday, January 7, 2007

The new, good me!

Well, after hearing my mom talk to Aunt Rhonda about a one way plane ticket to Arizona for Noah Fred Toy, I figured I better buckle down and start being good. I admit that I have been a little special lately. I just don't know why it is so fun to be bad. Why didn't God make being good more fun. So, really it's not my fault. It's God's.

spicing turkey

In an effort to tow the line, I told mom I'd help her make her turkey today. We like turkey! We are also having yams and corn and broccoli.

Since I am a member of the Clean Club, I knew that I was supposed to wash my hands before I did this. My mom told me to use this way of doing it because then all the spices wouldn't be in the same place.

celery salt
But I didn't think they were supposed to end up here.

my sock is spicey
I am good at this job.

garlic powder
I wanted to lick my hands but my mom said no.

paprika is my favorite
After I was done with the turkey, I was the dish rinser. I sure liked this job. I could get as wet as I wanted and since I was helping, mom didn't even yell at me!


I can't imagine doing this every day! Good thing I'll get married some day and make my wife do it.

raisin fingers

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man that turkey looks good and its not even cooked yet! I dunno about wives cooking these days, he better pay attention to the food network!
